Department Functions

1. Mayor’s Office:
a. The office is responsible in the general supervision and control over all programs, projects, services and activities of the municipal government.
b. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the municipality and implement all approved policies, programs, projects, services and activities of the municipality.
c. Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues and apply the same to the implementation of development plans, programs, objectives and priorities, particularly those resources and revenue program for agro-industrial development and countryside growth and progress.
d. Ensure the delivery of basic services and the provision of adequate facilities in accordance with the provision of section 17 of the local government code; and
e. Exercise other powers and other duties prescribed by law or ordinance towards the creation of a self-reliant and peaceful community.
2. Sangguniang Bayan Office:
a. Generate and minimize the use of resources and revenues for the development plans, programs objectives and priorities of the municipality as provided for under Section 18 of the Local Government Code of 1991, with particular attention to agro-industrial development and countryside growth and progress.
b. Approve ordinances and pass resolutions necessary for an efficient and effective Municipal Government.
c. Grant franchises and enact ordinance authorizing the issuance of permits or licenses or enact ordinance levying taxes, fees and charges upon such conduct and for such purposes intended to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality.
d. Regulate activities to the use of land, building and structure within the municipality in order to promote the general welfare.
e. Approve ordinances, which will ensure the efficient and effective delivery of the basic services and facilities.
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
3. Planning and Development Coordinator’s Office:
a. Coordinate/integrate all sectoral plans and prepare comprehensive plans and other planning documents for the municipality.
b. Analyze income and expenditures pattern and formulates and recommends fiscal plans and policies and promote people’s participation in development planning in LGU.
4. Treasury Office:
a. Shall take charge of the Municipal Treasury Office, perform the duties assigned.
b. Take custody of and exercise proper management of the funds of the municipality.
c. Take charge of the disbursement of all local government funds and such other funds the custody of which may be entrusted by law or other competent authority.
d. Keep a detailed account of all monies received, and pay or dispose of the same pursuant to lawful authority.
e. Exercise such other powers and performs such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law.
5. Assessor’s Office:
a. Ensure that all laws and policies governing the appraisal and assessment for real properties for taxation purposes are properly executed.
b. Initiate, review and recommend changes in policies and objectives, plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices the evaluation and assessment for taxation purposes.
c. Establish a systematic method of real property identification and system.
d. Install and maintain a real property identification and accounting system.
e. Prepare, install and maintain a system of tax mapping showing graphically all property subject to assessment and gathering all data concerning the same.
f. Conduct frequent physical survey to verify and determine whether all real properties within the municipality are properly listed in the assessment rolls.
g. Exercise the functions of appraisal and assessment primarily for taxation purposes of all real properties in the municipality.
h. Prepare a schedule of the fair market value for the different classes of real properties, in accordance with Title II, under Book II of the Local Government Code of 1991.
i. Issue upon request of any interested party and all other records relative to its assessment, upon payment of a service charge or fee to the Treasurer.
j. Submit every semester a report of all assessments as well as cancellations and modifications of assessments to the Local Chief Executive and the Sangguniang concerned.
k. Attend personally or through an authorized representative all sessions of the Local Board of Assessment Appeals whenever his assessment is the subject of the appeal, and present or submit any information or records in his possession as maybe required by the board.
l. Exercise such other power and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinance.
6. Accounting Office:
a. Install and maintain an internal audit system in the Local Government Unit.
b. Certify to the availability of Budgetary allotment to which expenditures and obligations maybe charged and enter them separately for in the Registries.
c. Review supporting documents before preparation of vouchers to determine completeness of requirements.
d. Prepare statement of journal vouchers and liquidation of the same.
e. Maintain book of accounts such as journals and ledgers, and reconcile them with the department/agencies or individual concerned.
f. Prepare and submit financial reports to the Mayor, to the Sangguniang Bayan of Cervantes and to the Commission on Audit.
7. Engineering Office:
a. Prepare Program of Works, Bill of materials and Plans and Specifications of all infrastructure projects concerned by the municipality and its thirteen (13) barangays.
b. Extend technical services to provincial, regional and foreign funded projects doled or loaned to the municipality.
c. Administer and supervise all on-going infrastructure projects and shall likewise coordinate with the concerned agencies in order to obtain maximum strength and durability of projects.
8. Civil Registrar’ Office:
a. Receive application for the issuance of a marriage license and, after determining that the requirements and supporting certificates and publication there of for the prescribed period have been complied with, issue the license upon payment of the authorized fee to the treasurer;
b. Coordinate with the National statistics Office in conducting educational campaigned for vital registration and assist in the preparation of demographic and other statistics for the Local government Unit of Cervantes, Ilocos Sur;
c. Implementation of R.A. 9048 and 9255 and other laws, circulars and memoranda related to civil registration.
9. Budget Office:
a. Prepare forms, orders and circulars embodying instructions on Budgetary and appropriation matters for the signature of the mayor;
b. Review and consolidate the budget proposals of different departments and offices of the Local Government Unit;
c. Assist the Mayor, as the case maybe, in the preparation of the Budget and during budget hearing;
d. Study & evaluate budgetary implications of proposed legislation and submit comments and recommendations thereon;
e. Coordinate with the treasurer and accountant and the planning office for the purpose of budgeting;
f. Assist the Sangguniang Bayan concerned in reviewing the approved budgets of component local government unit;
g. Coordinate with Planning Office in the formulation of the local Government Unit Development Plan;
h. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinance.
10. Social Welfare and Development:
a. Formulate measures for the approval of the Sanggunian and provide technical assistance and to support the mayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities relative to social welfare and development services.
b. Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the mayor, implement the same particularly those which have to do with social welfare programs and projects which the mayor is empowered to implement.
c. Recommend to the Sanggunian and the mayor on all other matters related to social welfare and development services which will improve the livelihood and living conditions of the inhabitants and exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as maybe prescribed by law or ordinance.
11. Agriculture Office:
a. Formulate measures to provide technical assistance and support the mayor and Sanggunian in carrying out measures for the delivery of basic agricultural services.
b. Develop plans and strategies and implement agricultural programs and projects which the mayor is empowered to provide and implement.
c. To be in the frontline in the delivery of basic agricultural services and recommend to the Sanggunian and Mayor all matters related to agriculture which will improve the livelihood an living condition of farmers in the locality.
12. Health Office:
a. Responsible for the supervision of the personnel/staff of the Municipal Health Office;
b. With the approval and consideration of the Municipal Mayor, the Municipal Health Office formulates progress implementation, guidelines, rules/regulations and measures in carrying out activities for the office;
c. Formulates and implements health programs, projects, ordinances/laws and regulations, direct the sanitary inspection of businesses, recommend prosecution of any violation of sanitary laws, conduct health information campaign, coordinate with GO’s and NGO’s
d. To be in the front-line in the delivery of health services during disasters and calamities.