Since the time immemorial, Cervantes Municipal Police Station has no building to stay but because of the unending support and generosity of the Municipal Mayor, he lent to the PNP the lower left wing of the Municipal building for them to occupy and utilize as Municipal Police Station. And now, our occupancy for this lent office will soon end because the construction of the Cervantes Municipal Police Station Building is now on going. The ground breaking ceremony of the construction of the station was held on June 6, 2016 at the construction site located beside the Municipal Gymnasium where the said building is now being constructed. The time capsule of the building was administered by namely, Hon. Benjamin N. Maggay, the Chief Regional Logistic Division; PSUPT Johnny D. Lungao, Regional Engineer RPMU; PCI George R. Marca, Assistant Regional Engineer RPMU1; PSI Gerardo Manzano, OIC Provincial Logistic Branch; and PSI Napoleon S. Gao-ay, Chief of Police Cervantes MPS. The lotwas donated by the LGU headed by Hon. Benjamin N. Maggay and funded by PNP.