Basic Incident Command System (BICS)

Progress is being experienced in the Municipality of Cervantes. Construction of roads, structural entities, resorts and improved tourist spots. Though, it is associated with unexpected events: car accidents, landslides in nearby municipalities, and natural hazards. Hence, the LDRRMC-Cervantes headed by Municipal Mayor Pablito Benjamin P. Maggay II, prompted training course to chosen participants to be ready for any incident that may occur in the Municipality.
This training course started December 12, 2018 and was completed on December 14, 2018. Contains 7 modules with workshop that were successfully done because of active participants and experienced resource speakers. The purpose of this activity is to have ready individuals to respond to any incident that may occur in everyday life, wherein the chosen participants are from different agencies which includes - policemen, teachers, municipal employees, nurses and BFP personnel.

From left to right: Back row: Jessie Dela Cruz, Maria Feliza Payor, Batsiba Octaviano, Francisca Palomo, Ruben Lucas, Gemma Valles, Rommel Malamnao, Esperanza Pusayen, Estrella Asejo, Julie Rose Acyangan, Leomar Jado, Priscilla Pangsil, Sheryl Valdez, Romeo Acyangan.
Second row: Joemar Olino, Maria Rosario Anisia Sibayan, Flory Tiri, Arman Garcia, Juvenal Formacion, Hon. Pabllito Benjamin Maggay II, Ronald Talgtag, Edgardo Medrano, Demetrio Daproza.
First row: Jorris Ann Palomo, Sandie Gasigas, Precilla Pang-ag, Marfel Dang-it, Daryll Bondad, Cheng Saflor, johnray Dalilis.